Lithium Battery Recycling Financing & Funding

Investing in a Sustainable Future

ALTUM Partner Financing provides funding and financial solutions to lithium battery recycling projects around the world. Our mission is to accelerate the transition to a circular economy for lithium-ion batteries.

Why Lithium Battery Recycling Matters

Lithium-ion batteries power our modern world, from electric vehicles to consumer electronics. However, spent lithium batteries create a growing environmental challenge as they pile up in landfills and potentially leak hazardous materials.

Recycling lithium batteries:

  • Reduces environmental pollution and waste
  • Conserves limited natural resources like lithium, cobalt, and nickel
  • Creates a sustainable supply chain for battery manufacturing
  • Generates economic opportunities in the recycling industry

Our Financing Solutions

ALTUM Partner offers a range of financing options tailored to lithium battery recycling projects at different stages:

Project Funding

  • Debt financing
  • Equity investments
  • Grants

Growth Capital

  • Expansion loans
  • Equipment leasing
  • Working capital

Green Bonds

  • Asset-backed securities
  • Revenue bonds
  • Tax-exempt municipal bonds

Why Choose ALTUM Partner?

  • Experienced team with expertise in battery recycling and green finance
  • Competitive rates and flexible terms
  • Commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles
  • Global network of investors and partners

Get Started Today

Join us in building a more sustainable future. Contact our team to discuss financing for your lithium battery recycling project.

A green paper cut out of a person jumping in the air.